<b>This is a early version of the app.</b> Please give your feedback if you want to see this app live.
Using this app you can control your HDL Buspro system <b>via the local network or remotely via VPN</b>.
Not implemented yet:
- Support for quite a few HDL products (so give me feedback so that I can implement support for it)
- Short press and long press on buttons (dimming)
- AC and music control for DLPs
<b>Known issue</b>
Momentary buttons on DLPs don't work. It seems to be a lack of the support from the DLP firmware.
<b>Nice to know</b>
To use the app remotely you need to set up VPN and have a device with Android 5 or later (Lollipop+). Remote control via the HDL BUS-Pro IP gateway will not be implemented because of its lack of encryption and proper security.
Please note that I'm developing this app on my spare time, and that I originally created the app just for use in my own house.
<b>Beta testing</b>
If you want to stay one step ahead the rest you can sign up for the beta versions of the app at https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.roysolberg.android.smarthome .</br>